Moving out might not be such a good idea.
Your parents, even though they are JWs, still love you as parents. Your aunt won't see you in the same way.
If things don't work out with your aunt, you could be stuck a long way from home with very little.
And imagine facing your parents if you have to move back home, not to mention that if you are short of money it will cost them to bring you home.
You could easily end up in a situation where you are more obligated to your parents than you are now.
You also owe it to your siblings to stay at home. One day, all that you are going through will come out. Your siblings will pick up on the fact that something is not right with you and the religious beliefs of your parents.
The fact that you are taking a stand will leave an opportunity for them to approach you about it in the future, if they ever start to question.
It can't be easy living in a 'North Korean' style family. As hard as that may be, you are learning some very valuable life skills right now. These will be such an asset when you finally do venture out into the big wide world.
Hope you can hang in there.
Edit to add:-
I think you need to consider how far you are going to compromise your integrity. To be told to fake things for the rest of the family is such a liberty.
I think you need to work out how far you are reasonably going to go. If your parents ask too much of you, it could be worth highlighting how hypocritical such demands would be. Can't imagine Jesus demanding anyone to act out faith when it was not believed. Such a preposterous scenario